When you hear the word “Prayer”, what comes up in your mind?
- A priest speaking in Latin before a congregation
- A person with his head bowed, eyes closed, and hands folded, or
- A congregation echoing the pastor with “Amen”s and “Hallelujah”s ?
On the third Saturday of August, about 40 men met in the Legacy Room to listen to our speaker over coffee and bagels.
Ed Salas, who is the Spiritual Formation Pastor here at Newsong, spoke to us about his journey regarding his beliefs and experiences with Prayer.
As a young seminary student, Ed shared how his eyes were opened to the dimensions of prayer when he attended a class with Dr. Charles Kraft called, The Role of Healing in World Evangelization.
He learned that prayer can be an effective tool that God uses to heal physically and emotionally, battle with dark spiritual forces in the world, and bring spiritual unity within your marriage and family. Ed helped to explain the unseen reality of what goes on behind prayer- God moving in his power, through those who pray.
In his words,
“When we pray we have begun to participate in the supernatural work of God at the intersection of the physical and the spiritual realms.”
Ed also handed out a series of written prayers to help us pray for daily renewal of our commitment to God, for protection of our home and household, and for taking up the authority that God gives to us as heads of our households.
This time with Ed was eye opening to some and a reminder to others of the importance of, and the power behind, prayer. Future discussions with Ed Salas are being planned.
Ed Salas is an integral part of the Prayer Ministries at Newsong, which partners with those who have Prayer requests, need a prayer of blessing and encouragement, or need physical healing, emotional healing, and spiritual cleansing. This ministry also offers biblically-based prayer training for those interested in helping others through prayer.